Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Work 2010 and Beyond

This post is essentially a follow up post to the one with the boxes-o-tubes. Mo and Clark spent about 2 weeks straight working on quite a few frames. Some are customer frames, some are make-goods, some are NAHBS 2011 frames. All in all it has been a ton of work. We are nearing the end but not quite complete yet.

The photos below show (L to R): Antonio GG's, Luke Yantis, Travis, Matt, and NAHBS Track Frame.

So far it looks like Antonio GG's will be the first one completed. Travis's will be next. We've hit a glitch in our ability to make our curvy rear end bracing (Travis's was last one to get it right). We are making some mods to our bender and tubing and then we will move fwd with Matt and Luke's frames.

Till next time,